Thursday, January 27, 2005


Instead of saying 'see you', some people may choose to say;

'If I don't see you through the week, I'll see you through a window'

I might put you through a window mate.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


When I say goodbye to someone in person I may choose to say 'See you' or 'See you later'.
Sometimes the response will be;

'Not if I see you first'

Well, no. That's not someone I will be seeing again.


We have a varied climate in the UK. We should be used to it really. And when it rains?

'Nice weather. (pause) If you're a Duck!!'

This is just not acceptable behaviour I'm afraid.


Heard this one? You're talking about kids and some joker pipes up, as if he's the first to say it....

'I love kids. Mind you I couldn't eat a whole one.'

That's right. Because you'd choke and that would be a massive loss to us all.


'Women! Can't live with them. Can't live with them.'

Go on then. Leave. Cook your own food and clean up your own filth. You couldn't stand on your own two feet if you had concrete boots on.

Friday, January 21, 2005


So I worked with this guy who thought he was funny. He was actually a pest. Ask him how he was and he always replied the same way.......

'Not three bad'

This can be used in other ways, for example; 'I could do with a drink or three.'

Bring back hanging, that's what I say.

Thursday, January 20, 2005


Got kids? I have. Kids are great. Can be hard work, but the rewards are massive. The biggest Banality you hear about kids?

'They grow up so quickly, don't they?'

No. It takes the same number of years it took you.


Monday morning and you're dragging yourself into the job you have convinced yourself is a career. And of course you ask your colleagues if they had a good weekend. How do they answer?

'Yes, but it goes too quickly doesn't it.'

And it's not just the dullards, is it. It's people who you thought were intelligent and lived fulfilling lives, had loving families and active social lives. But apparently it goes too quickly for them as well. Banals!