Thursday, May 31, 2007


A colleague was feeling tired of life and exclaimed;

'Roll on Christmas'

Why? Are you leaving then?


Having been surprised, my friend said;

'It really knocked me for six'

So did I. With a cricket bat.


Remember your Mum saying this when you hadn't finished your tea?

'There are starving children in Africa who would love to have that in front of them.'

With all due respect Mother, I don't think anyone would want to have this in front of them.


Remember your Mum saying this when you hadn't finished your tea?

'Waste not, want not'

Bollocks! I still want new parents.


Remember your Mum saying this?

'If I've told you once, I've told you a million times........ '

Fuck off Mum.


I said something someone was surprised at and they said;

'Well knock me down with a Feather'

I'd rather use this brick if it's ok with you.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


How are you?

'Can't complain'

Why not? The world's shit while you're in it.


Someone I knew was ill, so I asked them how they were;

'I'll live'

I doubt that.


I offered someone an alcoholic drink and they accepted with the phrase;

'Oh go on then, just for medicinal purposes'

Yeah, you need medicine you sick fuck.


I was making someone some food and they said;

'I'm so hungry I could eat a Horse'

Eat Lead you prick.

n.b. I also understand that 'scabby cat' is a favourite of Banals.


I suggested that we make some changes at work and someone said;

'If it isn't broken, don't fix it'

Fix this broken leg you fucker.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


To express how busy he was at work, a colleague said to me;

'Never a dull day!'

Never another day for you mate.